We were an hour early getting into London, so I had to wait a little while for Richard to come....I wandered around Heathrow and met Sam, a guy who had been on my flight from LA. Black, British, and a doctor, working in New Zealand and just back in London to visit for two weeks. It was just funny, cos all my girls told me they were sure I'd meet a black guy in England....didn't expect to meet one that soon! ;-) Richard picked me up, and we fought traffic from people going to a big rugby match, but finally made it to the train,
I stayed up as late as I could, but the jet lag was getting to me....Slept GREAT that night! Sunday the guys got up and went to church. I skipped out and slept until after lunch. We spent a lazy afternoon at home, then Richard and I caught a movie (Cloverfield) that night.
On Monday Richard and I took the train into London (they live in Guildford, just outside of the city). He had to go in to work, so I met up with the lovely Kirstin, who lived with us for a few months in PNG in 2004. Awesome to catch up with her again! And she was a fabulous tour guide!
Getting a phone call from a hot black man in a "red telephone box"
Kirstin & Buckingham Palace
Big Ben
taking a ride in a double decker bus
Early that evening, we met up with Richard again. Kirstin had to get home....=/ so we said goodbye to her then went and grabbed a cup of tea while we waited to be able to meet up with Greg, a friend of ours from high school. He is Australian, but recently moved to London to find work. We went to a Spanish restaurant, had delicious food, drank sangria, and caught up on the last 8-10 years!
Tuesday Richard and I went for a look around Guildford. We walked along the street lined with shops and street vendors, and went to see the castle in town. What I love about that part of the world is that there is so much history there! I can't imagine the lifestyle people had hundreds of years ago....but some of the things I saw provided me with a slight glimpse. Fascinating.
On Wednesday morning I flew back to LAX. Fortunately there were no problems getting on the flight, and I got five seats to myself again, giving me the chance to rest!