Monday, June 30, 2008

Next stop, the Land Down Under

The day Kevin and I left Denver, I found out my schedule for July....Did I mention I finally got transferred to Fresno? =) So that means I'm finally off reserve!!! I have all of my trips for next month scheduled already, and can actually have a life now. Woohoo! Anyway, I had the first 5 days of July off....I already had scheduled the 24th through 27th of June off....3 days in between those sets of days off got me thinking. I requested vacation for my last 3 days on call, and was granted it straight away....That meant 12 days off in a row!!! So where else would I go with that much time off? Ok you're right, I'd go to PNG if I had some money, or if I had benefits on an airline that flies there. The next closest thing? Australia. =) Yeah baby!

Flying over Sydney

All jobs have their perks, right? Come on, you know yours does... =) Well, one that I get is to fly for free, even international. My parents, husband, and kids can all fly for free....So that means only my parents and I have flight benefits (yeah, get in line for the husband thing!) ;-) When I found out about all my time off, I told Dad that we had to go to Australia....He agreed (that was a tough one right Dad?) and we left for Sydney the night of June 23rd. We got to sit in First Class!! Woohoooo!

I love these maps that tell you where you are the whole time....SO EXCITING to be back in that part of the world! But tough to be so close to PNG and not go up there as well.

We arrived in Sydney on the morning of the 25th and hung out there for a few hours until our flight to Brisbane around noon....

Aunty Nancy Early picked us up and took us back to their place. =) We felt great, since we had actually slept on the plane!! We had a fabulous time catching up with the Earley's. That night after he finished work, Peter picked me up and we went back to his place. On Thursday morning Dad and I took a train to the Gold Coast, where we met up with Grahame Kent, a long time friend from PNG. We had breakfast and then got to catch up with Geoff!! =) Dad and Grahame went to play golf, and Geoff took me back to his place so I could meet his lovely wife, Laura. Geoff and Laura are youth workers at their church....Geoff also has an awesome blog....if you want to check it out, click on the link "snooky" on the right hand side of this page. =) Definitely a good read!

That night we went back to the Kent's and had an amazing, delicious steak dinner and more fun catching up!

Friday morning we took the train back to Brisbane and hung out....Dad had coffee with Aunty Nancy while I got to hang out with Marianne and go for a bus ride. YAY!!!

That evening, Dad and I went into the city and met up with Joycelin and her two boys for dinner....SO FUN seeing all of these people!!! The best part of taking a trip for a short time is that since you're not there for long, even if people have things going on, they make time for you.

That night I started calling Dad "Moneybags," because he decided to fly up to Cairns to see his buddy, Peter Pena. It was expensive to fly up there just for a couple days, but definitely worth it for Dad! I decided to stay in Brisbane, because the weekend is when I knew I'd be able to see most of my friends, who work during the week. So from the city, Dad took the train to the airport, and I took the train to the station near Peter's place. And then the weekend adventures began.... =) More to come....!

Friday, June 27, 2008

Old and New Places

More adventures with my travel buddy....We went to Chicago in was still chilly!!

An unplanned last minute trip to New York City at the end of the month....

And Denver for a couple days in June....

We got to meet up with Crystal!!! One of my roommates from college....

Next stop? The Land Down Under!!!

Lakeshow in San Antonio!

Ok, I know this is looooong overdue and I am way late in writing this post....but I had to share. =) So about a week after last time I wrote, one Monday night I was assigned a trip with a San Antonio overnight on Tuesday, and I thought, aren't the Lakers playing the Spurs Tuesday night? I checked at 8pm. We were scheduled to get in at 6:30. Perfect. Checked on eBay, and there were tickets available....Nosebleed section, but still! I told Dad he was finally going to come with me on one of my trips. We did it!
Bought tickets, got him on the flights, had a hotel paid for, and had a blast!! I finally got to experience a an NBA playoff game, and fortunately the Lakers beat the Spurs that night! The energy in the arena was intense!