Since I got my transfer to Fresno my quality of life has been soooo much better. I am not at the mercy of Crew more two hour leash! I have my schedule for the entire month, and have the freedom and flexibility to adjust my schedule - drop, pick-up, and exchange trips. It's great! I did a lot of flying on the Brasilia, our turbo-prop, in July. My first trip was over my b'day, and I flew with two awesome guys - Thomas and Charles. Thomas found out it was my b'day, and then relayed that information to all of our passengers on every flight! A little embarassing at first, but he made me feel like a million bucks.... "We hope you're having a great day already, but your day just got even better because you have Rachael as your flight attendant..." or, "The temperature in Bakersfield in a nice cool 94 degrees....Even cooler is your flight attendant. Her name's Rachael. She's from Papua New Guinea, and she's 28 years old today..." I'm sure he does it for all the flight attendants he works with, but it was just a nice esteem booster for every flight. =) We spent the night in Medford, and the guys took me out when we got in...

For a little variety in my life, I picked up a trip on the jet with two LA overnights, as well as a round trip to DFW with one of my favorite pilots, Juan.

Good stuff. This month I only ended up doing one FAT (Fresno) trip, and the rest I picked up out of different domiciles. Since I have to commute anyway (commute for airline crew = fly), it doesn't really matter where I commute to, so a little variety is nice, as we mostly fly the turbo-prop out of Fresno. After that first trip, I had 10 days off and had my 10 year high school reunion! We decided to have it in the LA area, since we're all over the place we thought LA would be easy enough for everyone to get to, and there would be lots to do....It was AWESOME....More about that later. =) The reunion needs its own post!
My next trip was a 4 day that I picked up out of Chicago. I liked the overnights, and I had flown with one of the pilots when I was based in Tucson and knew he was a lot of fun to work with. His wife was the Captain on the trip! She was great too. Getting to Chicago was a headache, but God is good and got me there....and back home afterwards! =) Our first night was in Denver, and Crystal, one of my roomies from college came and met up with me at the hotel. We caught up over some lattes from Starbucks for a couple hours before I had to go to bed. The second night we were in Minneapolis, so I got to see Rueben and Megan Tulia again, as well as Rueben's sister Wendie, who lives with them. Rueben is from PNG, and he and Megan got together when we were in 10th grade. They got married five years ago, and have two GORGEOUS daughters. I had just seen them at our reunion, but it was good to be able to see their house and their girls, even though they were sleeping by the time I got in. The last night we went to Austin, and I got to go out with Aisha, a friend from my flight attendant training. I hadn't seen her for more than a year, so again, great to catch up!

I was exhausted by the time I got back from that trip....Not much sleep during the reunion, or the few days afterwards, then the early starts every day for the Chicago trip caught up on me. I came home and crashed, and finally got some good rest! My next trip was one I'd picked up out of Salt Lake City....That was awesome!!! But instead of starting to write about it now, I'm going to post this one and save that for next time....I'm waaaay behind on this stuff, and there's so much to write about! So till then....