One of the things I really like about my job is being able to talk and connect with my passengers. Some of them are cool. Some of them are... not. In talking to one of them this week, after I told him that I used to teach 1st grade, he asked me, "So who are better listeners? 1st graders, or your passengers?" I answered that it was definitely the 1st graders... apart from a handful of them, who were just that, a handful =), they listened. They were usually respectful. But they knew that had to be. Passengers just decide they don't need to listen, for the most part (although I did have one woman who was so cute this week!! She listened and watched intently as I made each announcement, told me I was adorable, and gave me a big hug as she got off the plane).
So can I vent for a minute? There is a flow to our flight... towards the end, when we are beginning to descend, we get some chimes that tell us how much time we have left and that we need to make our descent announcement and then check to make sure people have listened and followed crewmember instructions, AS STATED BY FEDERAL AVIATION REGULATIONS!!! Sooo many times, people still have their tray tables down, or their carryons out in their laps, and then get pissy at me when I ask them to put their tray tables up or stow their carryons, as I've just asked them to in my announcement. But this is what really gets me. The Captain turns off the seatbelt sign during the flight, right? Then the good ones, like the one I flew with today, will give the passengers a head's up when he's going to turn the sign back on... so get off your butt and go to the bathroom now... or forever hold your pee!!! So today, the landing gear is already down, which means we're about 5 mins from landing, and I have to be in my seat in the brace position. Well, guess what? The man in 2A decides that's the perfect time for him to get up and use the lav... WHY?????!?!?!?! We've made a million stupid announcements saying "stay in your seat with your seatbelt fastened until the sign is off at the gate." So then, the next flight, I've made the announcement to remain seated until we've landed, etc. I've done my walk through to make sure everyone is doing what I've just asked. So then I look back and see a woman standing in the doorway of the lav. I walk back to see if she is alright, and yeah, she's just standing there putting on her makeup. What the !!!!!!!! Why people, why??!?!
Ok, that's enough venting for tonight... I really do like my job, I promise. =)
Ah. The joys of flying.
Remember, you are an informer, not an enforcer.
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