That said, I'm going to try to put this out in the open....Like my friend Jason said, maybe it will help to process things. The main struggle for me in the last few months has been dealing with my relationship with Kevin. I cared for him so deeply; I still do....but because of lots of different reasons, he doesn't speak to me anymore. He started pushing me away shortly after my first trip to Australia in the middle of last year. This was really difficult, because throughout our relationship I had been trying to show him something love him through his stick things out. I tried to hold onto him, but couldn't.
We were together for about six months. There was no official end to it; one of the reasons I am having a difficult time getting over it. The most that happened was a text I received from Kevin at 2am one night in October that said, "I'd like to have my ring back.....thanks." He didn't say why. I asked when he wanted it. "tmrw." When I didn't hear from him again, I sent it to him via Fed-Ex, cried for days, and started going to counseling. I received the text exactly a week after he had called me telling me that he loved me, was going through some things he had to deal with on his own, but I was the only one who really knew him and the only one he really trusted. Now, about four months later, I am still not over it. I haven't moved on. I still miss him every day. Oh yeah, and I'm still going to counseling. =)
Why can't I get over it? Why do I think about him all the time? I dream about him. I wonder how he is doing. I wonder if he thinks I gave up on him, like so many important people in his life have. I wonder if he is ok. I pray for him all the time, and hope that he will learn to completely lean on the strength of Christ. I never thought I could "save" him or change him, but have always prayed for him, that God would completely heal his hurt and the pain he has experienced.
A lot of the time I wonder what is wrong with me. Pilots I have worked with have told me that I'm a catch, that I have a lot to offer, that's I'm beautiful, sweet, friendly....I have tried to pray and wait for the one I hope God has for me. Before I met Kevin, I told my mom that I could trust God in every other part of my life, but not to provide a life partner for me. Even though we had plenty of struggles, with Kevin I actually felt loved sometimes. For so long, I have felt so unloveable. Don't get me wrong, I am so blessed with my family and lots of amazing, supportive friends that I know love me dearly. But why can't a man love me? One night Kevin told me that I was so loveable....that he wished that I could see it. Then he told me that I made God smile. Can you imagine that? I can't imagine God actually delighting in me. Especially after this.
Every day I cry out to God to rescue help me stop missing help me let go. I wish I could let go.
You know what though? I am blessed. I have a job that I LOVE. (Hey, I have a job!) I have lots of people who love me. Thanks to all of you who are such a big encouragement to me. I gotta get ready for work now....
Till next time....
Hey, you. At 37 & always single, I *totally* get what you're talking about. We see the loveable in others so easily, while denying our own positive characteristics. I'm not who/what you're looking for! but I do, & always will, love you. Stap isi, poro.
Next time you're in LA, we need to catch up! I'll take time off work. I'll even skip class to have coffee with you (unless it's a presentation day). Something! Sounds like we're in similar boats (and a boat another friend is in, too) and i'd love to just be in person with you about it.
:) april
Thanks for sharing from the heart honey. Maybe releasing it to paper (or in this case, computer) will somehow help in letting go. Well it looks like you aren't the Lone Ranger with this. I know that doesn't make it any easier. Just keep your faith strong and your focus on the ONE who really does care. Waiting for your prince with you. I love you.
Rachael, Thanks so much for sharing your heart. It has been a long time and I miss you. Hey, I just got notified by my son that I now have Jet Blue travel benefits. We will have to meet up somewhere next year when I am home.
Jo Miller
You Said, "A lot of the time I wonder what is wrong with me. Pilots I have worked with have told me that I'm a catch, that I have a lot to offer, that's I'm beautiful, sweet, friendly....I have tried to pray and wait for the one I hope God has for me"
I think of the same things as well. But we must remember that we are separate, holy, Christians! Why do we allow ourselves to be judged by the world?
But it is true what they say, you are a catch! I am a catch! We are a catch. And there are plenty of people out there who are not a catch! Don't get with only leads to bad times
Wow, I know for sure nothing is wrong with u, and that you are a great catch. Life just gets weird when you hit deadends ... but there is always a way out.
Well, you know my whole deal with Cassie, so i don't have much to say on that topic other than I didn't know you two were so serious. Love ya, miss ya cuz.
God comes first.let no man bring you down to his u know in angels they protect Gods people.speaking of gaurdians.for cancer we become very very spiritual.i close my eyes and see things before they happen is the sign.hes holding back somthing he has deep not take him back.a true soulmate will never leave another out in the cold.when u do someone wrong it comes back around.people ask always ask me to tell the futur but i tell them to trust in God.if its the will God shall reveal it through his angels & smile & stay blessed dont worry.i know this message is late but its right on for the Blessings......peace...
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