It is Tuesday night. Wow, I guess that means we've made it through two weeks of training. Just over a week to go! Hope I can make it. It feels like Survivor, with people leaving at least every other day. Our group started at 47, and we're down to 35 people. Of course, some have chosen to leave on their own because it was just too tough. I am hanging in there. I thank God for every day that I wake up and am here at training another day! Training so far has been so much about emergencies and evacuations and safety stuff - they teach you stuff that they hope you'll never have to use. Different than training for a lot of other jobs. =) Things here have been intense, but prayer is getting me through for sure.
I don't even remember everything we've done... there is so much! Today we finished the last of our aircraft tests - on the EMB120, the little tiny plane. 3 different configurations and much different from the jets so lots to learn! I was stressed about our test today as we were told yesterday that it is the one that many people fail. Went to bed late and got up early to get my studying in. Got a 96%. So relieved. Did our last evacuation testing. Glad that's done too!!

Training has definitely had its ups and downs, but I have met some really great people. It's interesting to see the dynamics of the group... Thanks to some good advice from a friend who went through the training earlier this year, I have mostly managed to stay away from the drama and try to keep away from the stress-cases (although I have the tendency to become one myself). Something I need to work on.
Last Saturday we had our first day off in 10 days. There is definitely a reason God rested on the 7th day! That day was wonderful... Friday night

we walked down to the mall... I felt so guilty, like I should be back in my room studying, memorizing announcements, or doing homework. Instead, I had dinner with Morgan at an island grill... totally my style! Had some great conversation, then we went to see Shrek the Third. Cute movie. Got back to the hotel after 10pm, so not too late. It was good. Relaxing, chill. I'm glad I didn't go out anywhere.
I called Salo in New Zealand that night and had a fun time talking with her, as always! It was so wonderful to actually be able to sleep in on Saturday... until Abi called me and woke me up. =) I like those kinds of wake up calls. Very refreshing talking with him, plus I was up in time to go down to breakfast. Spent much of the morning just chilling then studied in the afternoon and evening for the CRJ700 test we had on Sunday. Nailed it and got 100%. We had another evac test Sunday, then a test on the CRJ900. Another 100%. A super looooooong day, but good test-wise.
So, we only have 8 days of classes left until we graduate... praying for strength to make it to the end! Need sleep... Looking forward to another day off Saturday. =)