For the gazillionth time, I will leave Cali in 23 days. Wow. Sad. Yesterday at work, my manager was listening to the radio in our back room (before I worked there, I never realized Starbucks had a "back"... although if I'd thought for two seconds, I would have ;-) ). Anyways, Clette was listening to Power 106 (where Hip Hop lives!!!) and they were playing Tupac...
To live and die in LA... It's the place to be...
So, I wish I were more excited about this job and this move. I am excited about the job... I'm way nervous about the training. But you'd think that if I could get teaching credentials and a Master's, I should be able to pass Flight Attendant training... right?
I'm nervous about moving. I'm so comfortable where I am. I love my family. I love being in my own house! I love my puppy dogs... they are fun to cuddle with and talk to and play with. They keep me company. =) As far as the moving goes, I'm really hoping for Denver. I know a few people there, and even have some rellies that live there... Haven't seen them in about 15 years, so it'd be good. Anyways... I know the Lord will provide, take care of me, put me where He wants me, and give me what I need as He always has... But unfortunately, I don't have peace in that. It's just head knowledge right now.
Clement called me today. Rait man!! We talked for a few minutes, and then he asked how I was doing in general... I said I was stressing. And right before I could say that was nothing new, he said, "you're always stressed!" Yeah, really need to learn how to let God handle things and stop worrying. Period.
1 comment:
hi friend, sorry for dropping of the face of the earth. my grandfather is not doing well and I took a week of school and went to iowa-just got back. your going!!! crazy-well have to talk. mis syou,
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