Saturday, April 21, 2007

Moving again

For the gazillionth time, I will leave Cali in 23 days. Wow. Sad. Yesterday at work, my manager was listening to the radio in our back room (before I worked there, I never realized Starbucks had a "back"... although if I'd thought for two seconds, I would have ;-) ). Anyways, Clette was listening to Power 106 (where Hip Hop lives!!!) and they were playing Tupac...

To live and die in LA... It's the place to be...

Ah yes. I love LA. Just one thing I'm not crazy about: TRAFFIC! It's insane. Yesterday Dad and I drove up to LAX to pick up Uncle Kaci, who had just flown in from Fiji and was on his way to Jamaica for cricket. On our way back, it took 30 mins or so just to get from the airport to the freeway! Usually it takes 5, depending on how you hit the lights. Then the 405 was stop and go, pretty much all the way home... even in the carpool lane.

So, I wish I were more excited about this job and this move. I am excited about the job... I'm way nervous about the training. But you'd think that if I could get teaching credentials and a Master's, I should be able to pass Flight Attendant training... right?

I'm nervous about moving. I'm so comfortable where I am. I love my family. I love being in my own house! I love my puppy dogs... they are fun to cuddle with and talk to and play with. They keep me company. =) As far as the moving goes, I'm really hoping for Denver. I know a few people there, and even have some rellies that live there... Haven't seen them in about 15 years, so it'd be good. Anyways... I know the Lord will provide, take care of me, put me where He wants me, and give me what I need as He always has... But unfortunately, I don't have peace in that. It's just head knowledge right now.

Clement called me today. Rait man!! We talked for a few minutes, and then he asked how I was doing in general... I said I was stressing. And right before I could say that was nothing new, he said, "you're always stressed!" Yeah, really need to learn how to let God handle things and stop worrying. Period.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

hi friend, sorry for dropping of the face of the earth. my grandfather is not doing well and I took a week of school and went to iowa-just got back. your going!!! crazy-well have to talk. mis syou,