I am in Tucson, Arizona!

I spent Tuesday in Chicago, packing and relaxing a little. In the evening, Kindl and I had dinner at a little hole in the wall Mexican place near our house, muy delicioso! Then we took the train downtown to meet up with Joy. Got another guy's number, woohoo! I love it how guys just give you their number. Ok... so in case you didn't sense the sarcasm in my typing, I don't really love it, but I do find humor in it. Anyway, Kindl and I met up with Joy and we walked around downtown a little, and went to the beach and saw Lake Michigan. The city is so pretty at night! I'm bummed that I didn't get to do any touristy stuff while I was living in Chicago, but I guess that means I'll have to go back there on my days off sometime and check it out!

On Wednesday morning, after a couple hours of sleep, Kindl and I got up and made our way to the train station. She is super sweet, and offered to help me get my stuff up to the airport. We left the house at about 4:45am and got to the train station around 5:00. That's where we happened to meet up with Steve, who I had met on Saturday morning when I was on my way to the airport for my trip. Since he works at the airport (and because he is such a gentleman!!!) and was on his way there as well, he offered to help me with my luggage and Kindl got to go back home and sleep! I made it on the jetBlue flight, even got a seat! When I went to say hi to the pilots as I was boarding, they were cool, glad to give me a ride home, and offered me a donut. I have more and more respect for those jetBlue people all the time. They are so awesome, and have saved me many times. Highly recommend flying jetBlue!!!
Dad met me at the airport in Long Beach, and we got my stuff and headed to Starbucks for breakfast. Mmmmm, breakfast sandwiches. I haven't found those at any other Starbucks in America, just Cali. We got my favorite, reduced-fat turkey bacon. Dad got an iced coffee and I got my strange but surprisingly refreshing iced venti half passion half green iced tea, no h2o, light ice, 5 Splendas. Try it sometime! It was soo good to see people there again... Larry, Kathleen, Lichelle, Mia, Tiffany, Crystal... love it! After our time there we went back home, then Dad went and played golf. I spent much of the afternoon with Jenni. =) It was her birthday, and I was very happy that I made it back to California that day so we could hang out together. We went and got pedicures, then she showed me her cute house in Fullerton! Afterwards I went home and packed a little, did some laundry, and took a much needed nap.

The next morning Dad and I left bright and early for LAX. It wasn't as bad getting through security and flying out of there as I thought it might be! From our house to the gate (through security) it took about an hour. After getting some tea at Starbucks I got on the first flight to Tucson! Morgan was at the airport to pick me up, and we went back to her (our!) apartment. In Tucson, I am living with Morgan and Jeremy (who are both from my training class and originally got based here) and Melissa (who was in Chicago as well but also got transferred to Tucson). Melissa and her Aunt Wanda drove and got here the same morning I did! After dropping off my stuff, the four of us went to Sweet Tomatoes (aka Souplantation in Cali!!!) for lunch, and it was WONDERFUL!

We've spent these first few days in Tucson shopping, looking for furniture, hanging out, and getting settled. I love it so far! It is beautiful and hot (as you can see by the picture of our thermostat... the a/c in our apartment broke!). It feels normal... lots of familiar stores around (Trader Joe's!!!), and pretty low key. The cost of living is also nice and low! I'm hoping to be able to get as tan as Melissa ;-)... we have a pool just outside our apartment... so while I'm waiting to be called, lots of opportunity to work on that! I am feeling a little unsettled right now, just because we don't have all of our furniture yet and I'm not completely unpacked, and also because I don't have a car. My roomies are awesome (in lots of ways!) and have offered me their cars, but I feel bad having to do that. So I'm hoping to find something soon...
It is awesome that Amy Hauschildt (from PNG) and her family are in Tucson! They've taken great care of me so far and I'm so blessed that they're here. I got to hang out with Amy on Friday afternoon... basically she took me around and we picked up some stuff that I needed! Only a good friend will put up with stuff like that! I am definitely looking forward to spending some more time with her.
Tonight I am spending a quiet night at home... all my roomies are out... So I thought it time to update! I have the next three days off... not sure what I'm gonna do... always an adventure. We shall see!
Nice to see you've got your Tucson update! I'm sure you'll enjoy the heat over the cccold! Having no aircon on the weekend must be your initiation to life there.
No herniating as you wait on God's timing for everything to fall into place. We're praying you find just the right wheels at just the right price!
Love you so much!
Mom (and for Dadoo)
Rock on Girl!
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