I've been on call in TUS for a week now, and have been called once... on my day off. =) This month there are only 4 of us on reserve here, and we all live together. Jeremy and Melissa were on trips, and Morgan and I were on our days off. My phone rang at about 11:00am, it was a Utah number... I answered it, and it was Crew Support calling and asking me to pick up a trip that day, just a turn to Salt Lake City. Since I'm so nice ;-) I said I'd do it. I woke Morgan up and she took me to the airport (she is so sweet!). I flew with a Captain who is the only female Captain out of Tucson, and she and the FO were both really cool. We got to SLC, where we had about an hour... then went to get to our plane to come back and found out our plane was "broken really bad"... so we waited some more, and finally they found us a plane to come back on. I was so relieved! I didn't pack for an overnight! Plus Morgan and I were going to have sushi for dinner... mmmmm... =)

After dinner we watched a movie... so fun! Jeremy got back late that night from a trip. The next day, we finally put together our bunk/loft bed. It was a 3 person effort, but we did it, and I had a bed to sleep on last night!! No more air mattress!

We've just been kickin' it a lot... Tucson is a nice place to hang out. Lots of normal places to go, like our favorite, Target. =) Then there are all these cool restaurants to check out, and we're having fun with that. This afternoon Jeremy, Morgan and I laid out by the pool, then went mattress shopping (only one came with our bed) THEN went to Rockin' Baja Lobster to grab some dinner! So it's been a good, relaxing week. I'm feeling more settled now that our apartment looks like an apartment and not just a crashpad! =) Pictures to come soon...!
Nice TWA shirt!!!
Where'd you get that beast?
mmm. sushi.
must tell you bout the woman I like.
What's up with Jason? I like that shirt!! He's the beast ;-) And what woman??
Nice to see who your new roomies are. I thought for sure you'd be sharing a picture of the bunk bed after waiting so long to get it set up! Way to go Jeremy!!
Congrats on the new wheels.
Guess it will be interesting to see how the shade of your skin changes over the next few blogs. Are you doing much sun bathing? or is it too hot to be out?
Love you darling,
The beast, in positive reference, is the shirt.
And I have an interest in a woman here in the Springs. She's awesome. I just told her about my interest in her, so the rumors don't get to her first.
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