Venice Beach, that is! My roommate Morgan had an overnight in LA on Monday, a nice long one, so I went and picked her up from her hotel. We decided to go to Santa Monica, and after finding a sweet parking spot (I love it when the meters already have money in them!) we walked to the Santa Monica Pier. Hadn't been there before, just seen it in movies, so it was new and exciting for both of us! We even when on the ferris wheel! It was a gorgeous California day -- sunny and perfect weather. This is the beautiful thing about our job... travel, overnights, sights to see, things to do, new food to eat! On the pier we found my favorite coffee spot, The Coffee Bean, so I introduced Morgan to that. =) It hit the spot, as usual!! =)

After the pier we had some time so went to Venice Beach, and were blessed with another awesome parking spot! (For those of you who haven't been to this part of LA, parking is a PAIN to find... then usually is super expensive.) We saw lots of funky people, and things we couldn't take pictures of unless we paid them... except this guy... he happily posed for us!

Morgan and I went back to her hotel for a little while, and then Mom called me to say that Dad's plane had arrived. Dad had finally used the travel benefits and went to Las Vegas for a men's retreat for the weekend. He didn't know I was home, so I got to surprise him. =) That was fun. =)
So let me back up. I got back to Arizona from my trip on Saturday night, and there were no flights that late to LA. I had the next three days off, so decided it would be a good idea to go home again. I decided not to take the first flight out on Sunday morning, but wait for the 8:30 flight. I checked the loads the night before and it looked alright, so I stuck with it. I didn't sleep much, or well, and when I got to the airport I asked the gate agent how the flight looked. It was full, with 5 revenue standby's. I'm a non-revenue, so last priority in that case. I was bummed, and I called Mom to let her know what was up... as always, she said she would pray that I could still get on. I waited, and the gate agent called my name, and gave me a boarding pass for seat 1D! First class! =) Actually, the first class part wasn't really a big deal, because it was a little United Express/SkyWest plane... but still... I would have taken any seat at that point! I called Mom and let her know... the prayers of a righteous woman...! I really wanted a latte, so when I knew I was on the flight, I went to buy one. I thought I heard the woman in front of me order exactly what I wanted... a sugarfree vanilla nonfat decaf latte... which is unusual... most people ask, what's the point? So I asked her what she had gotten, and when she told me I said, great! That's exactly what I want. She then told the girl behind the counter that she wanted to buy another one, exactly like she'd just had!!! It was SO NICE! Wow, what felt like it was going to be a frustrating morning was turning into a good one... Yes, God is good.
I got into LA around 10:00, and Mom and Maria picked me up. We went to church, then got to meet up with Heather and Steve afterwards at Red Lobster for a late lunch. =) I always love seeing them. Sooo refreshing. Maria even finished her lunch!!! Shocking!

I had talked to Abi Saturday night after I got home from my trip, and I told him I was planning on coming to California Sunday, and asked him if he was going to/could come by. He said that he would... He actually did!!! He didn't back out! ;-) I love Abi, and loved seeing him again. What else I loved was the Golden Spoon he treated us to that night...!

I have said it before and I know I'll say it again many times... it was so nice to be at home, see family, friends, visit my favorite spots, and RELAX! Thanks everyone for making it another fun time!
1 comment:
Great update! Love your photos!! Loved having you home again . . . .making more memories. Let's do it again sometime :-)
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