That was a question that I wanted to ask one of my passengers on my last trip, but didn't. If he was an actor like I thought he was, I didn't want him to feel bad that I didn't know his name! Oh yeah... I have a manifest of passenger names! That didn't strike anything for me... "Boothe P"... both he and his wife were "Boothe P". He was sitting there, sleeping much of the time, and I just knew he had played a character that I hated! But I couldn't figure it out. Two legs later, sitting in my jumpseat for takeoff, it hit me. 24!!!!!! He was the vice president that tried to overtake Wayne Palmer on 24!!!!!! I had an actor from 24 on my plane! Powers Boothe. Of course! (If you're wondering who he is, check out this

It had been a crazy trip for celebrity spottings... First, on Thursday, a bunch of us were super excited to see the cuteness and dimples of Mario Lopez, sitting by gate 83 in Denver talking on his phone... going to Birmingham? Hmmm... a couple of the girls got a picture with him. The next day the hip hop group,
Three 6 Mafia ("I gotta stay fly-y-y-y-y-y-y-y-y till I die-ah-ah-ah-ah-ah-ah-ah.....") were running through the airport (again in Denver), having fun and shouting while trying to get to their flight on time. Then Powers Boothe was on my plane the following day, and the flight after that I had
Dennis Kucinich, a US Congressman and Presidential candidate, as a passenger.
It was interesting... But ya know, even though they're famous and we idolize them like crazy, they're just people like you and me. I think most of us know that, really, but some of us can still get starstruck. =)

It was a crazy three day trip! We flew for 23 hours... an amount we're lucky to fly in a four day trip. I flew with Tammy, our only female Captain in Tucson, and Ken was my First Officer. I had flown with Tammy twice before but it was my first time flying with Ken. Overnights in Bismarck, ND (not exactly the happening town, but cold!) and El Paso, TX. What tripped me out about El Paso was that I could see Mexico from the hotel... that is always a weird thing to me, since I grew up on an island, and you really couldn't see any other countries unless you flew to them. (Guess you can't really see it in the picture... but I will leave it anyway! =) The mountains and the stuff on the other side of the freeway is Mexico.)
On our last leg of the trip, from Denver to Tucson, we had a bunch of military guys. I get so caught off guard when they call me "ma'am". =) They kept things interesting! One of them was making "wand fingers" while I was doing my announcements and cracking me up, it was terrible. When we got in, I was definitely glad to be done, and happy to be back in Tucson!!
1 comment:
I know that gate agent from DIA!!!!
P Boothe, nice
Once again, jealous.
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