I was the FA up front, so Shambray did the announcements and I did the demos. While I was getting the demo equip't ready, the passenger briefing card felt a little thicker than usual... I opened it up to find a sign taped inside that said "Marry Me, Fly for Free"... I cracked up! Turns out my Captain had put it in there, and he was like, "how did you find it??!" I told him it felt thicker... he didn't think so. Apparently one FA said she smelled the marker when he tried it on her. He told me to ask Shambray about the time they flew together on the CRJ 200 (where there is only one FA). Turns out he had taped that sign on the back of her beverage cart, so while she was going down the aisle to do her service, people could see it. Someone finally told her it was on there, otherwise she would have had no idea!!
Sunday I had a horrible time getting to the airport... had to wait almost 30 minutes for the train, then the train was going no more than 10 miles an hour (no joke). I wondered if I would even get there. It's never taken me more than an hour from my front door to our crew lounge, and I'd given myself an hour and a half. Well, by the grace of God I got there and wasn't late. We were going to Des Moines, Iowa, and I saw that we were out of the C concourse, which is a hike from our crew lounge... and since it was so early, the shuttle wasn't running. Fortunately, I met up with Daravy, the other FA on the trip with me (it was only her second trip - so that was unusual for me to fly with someone who's been out of training for less time than I have!). We got our exercise in and chatted along the way. She was cool to work with, and after our turn we were sitting at the airport on
Well, I have to back up now to Friday, the beautiful day I had to relax and get caught up on rest. Kelsey and Hope Scott were coming into Chicago for a short layover, and Kim, their mom, had written to me saying that maybe I could meet up with them. We were hoping I could surprise them but Kim hadn't told me where they were coming in from... I ended up finding Kelsey's phone number and got ahold of her right before their plane left from Baltimore. It was too bad it couldn't be a surprise but at least I got the right flight details and found them ok! It was so fun to see them again!! They were on their way to an MK Re-Entry seminar in Buffalo. We grabbed a bite to eat and got to spend about an hour and a half together before they caught their next flight.
Today I am just chilling at home (my place in Chicago, that is) and hoping not to be called out for a trip. I have the next three days off, so am going to try to fly home to California tonight. Can't wait!
Hey, I have been trying to use that line to find a wife... not working out so well. Good to see Rachel that you got home safely the other day. I am going to call you after I check all my blogs here. We will talk more later.
Looking forward to your writeup on the Long Beach bomb scare. Here's what I found online: The item turned out to be a handheld electronic game board in a “raw form” that showed its wiring, she said. The passenger worked for “some sort of game or toy company,” she added.
Anyway, glad you are once again safe and sound. It's alway so nice to have you home for a bit. THanks for taking time out for us!!
Love you so much! Mom
I apologise that, I can help nothing. But it is assured, that you will find the correct decision.
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